10 Viewer-Recommended Atari Computer Games for THE400 Mini!

10 Viewer-Recommended Atari Computer Games for THE400 Mini!

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The Atari 8-bit computer line is finally getting its due in the form of THE400 Mini from Retro Games & PLAION. If you are an Atari 8-bit fan, then you already know the amazing game library a gadget like this will unlock for thousands of retrogaming fans. If you're new to the Atari 8-bit line of computers, then strap in for a great time! In this video, where Jon plays and highlights TEN Atari 8-bit computer games recommended by GenXGrownUp viewers that he had NEVER played before!

@THEC64 @PLAION_Official

#atari #the400mini #plaion #genxgrownup

🟒 S H O P (affiliates)
THE400 Mini Β» https://amz.run/7hC1
THECSSTICK https://amz.run/7hC2

🟒 L I N K S
Altirra Emulator Β» https://www.virtualdub.org/altirra.html
Atari 8-bit Bundle Β» https://archive.org/details/Atari800RomCollectionByGhostware

🟒 S U B S C R I B E

🟒 P A T R E O N

🟒 M E M B E R S H I P
Early access, custom emoji & more!

🟒 G X G O N T W I T C H

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🟒 P O D C A S T

🟒 D I S C O R D

🟒 S O C I A L

🟒 W E B S I T E

🟒 S P O N S O R S
King of Nerds Β» http://kingofnerds.tv
Order of Cosmic Champions Β» http://www.orderofcosmicchampions.com

🟒 T H E M E
"Grown Up" by Beefy Β» http://beefyness.com

🟒 C H A P T E R S
00:00 Your Picks!
00:53 Library Criteria
01:38 Master of the Lamps
02:33 Captain Beeble
03:20 Robbo
04:05 Submarine Commander
05:00 Bandits
06:28 Dimension X
07:35 Drelbs
08:26 Stealth
09:35 Drol
10:36 Cavelord
11:45 What's Next?