19:05Microsoft XboxXbox Handheld, Doom, & More gamescom Predictions - Next-Gen Console Watch2 August, 20243,414
2:08Microsoft XboxDragon Age: The Veilguard - Official Reveal Trailer (4K) | Xbox Showcase 202417 June, 202483,969
2:08Microsoft XboxTales of Kenzera: Zau - Gameplay Trailer | Xbox Partner Preview17 March, 202424,756
2:38Microsoft XboxTales of Kenzera: ZAU - Gameplay Trailer | Xbox Partner Showcase 202412 March, 202413,015
51Microsoft XboxEmail Chain Shows Microsoft Scrambling to Fill "Huge Gap Hole" #gaming #xbox #shorts20 September, 20235,179
17:44Microsoft XboxLessons Nintendo Should Learn from PS5, Xbox Series X - Next-Gen Console Watch4 August, 202316,004
7:52Microsoft XboxGrand Theft Auto V Returns to Xbox Game Pass Today - IGN Daily Fix6 July, 202314,585
4:21Sony PlaystationSony Patent Hints at Possible PlayStation 5 UI - IGN Daily Fix23 February, 2023178,534
13:31Role Playing GamesInternet Mob Attacks & Makes Streamers Cry For Playing Hogwarts Legacy, Journalists Boycott Game!9 February, 2023157,483
3:53Microsoft XboxFighting a Giant Vacuum Cleaner with Your Partner - Xbox Teach Me: Episode 322 December, 20222,122
5:01Microsoft XboxCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Won't Let PC and Xbox Players Disable Crossplay - IGN Daily Fix29 October, 202237,929
1:36Nintendo SwitchIt Takes Two - Official Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer | Nintendo Direct September 202214 September, 202217,728
13:23Sony PlaystationSony CEO Trashes Xbox, Exposes "Lies" & Indicates Call of Duty To Become Xbox Exclusive...13 September, 2022126,115
13:23Other Online GamingSony CEO Trashes Xbox, Exposes "Lies" & Indicates Call of Duty To Become Xbox Exclusive...9 September, 2022109,821
13:23Microsoft XboxSony CEO Trashes Xbox, Exposes "Lies" & Indicates Call of Duty To Become Xbox Exclusive...9 September, 2022109,821
20:58Microsoft XboxXbox and PlayStation Subscription Game Lineups Compared - Next-Gen Console Watch20 May, 20226,879
8:01Microsoft XboxXbox Game Pass Ultimate Gets a Big Surprise Addition This Month - IGN Daily Fix5 January, 202295,227
1:01Microsoft XboxWHATS POPPIN? EA Play just hopped in Xbox Game Pass Ultimate4 December, 2020236,372
2:11Microsoft XboxMadden NFL 21 - Official PS5 & Xbox Series X Overview Trailer18 November, 20209,905
1:21Microsoft XboxXbox Game Pass Ultimate Cloud Gaming (Beta) - Play select games with Xbox touch controls23 October, 2020126,087
1:46Microsoft XboxPlay Over 100 Xbox Games on Android Mobile with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Today21 September, 2020390,996