Why is Retro Gaming so Expensive? | Xplay

Why is Retro Gaming so Expensive? | Xplay

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Over the last few years, you've probably seen multiple headlines about Retro Games going for hundreds and thousands of dollars. Could you be holding a future fortune in your childhood closet? Jirard the Completionist breaks down the current collectibles culture and uncovers some interesting secrets that lie underneath these 5 screw cartridges.

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Together we’re building a bigger, more inclusive gaming playground than any one of us could on our own. Sure, our gaming playground might have seesaws AND automated gravy laser turrets, but it’s all for fun. Well, the gravy laser turrets are to build character. Point is, if you’re reading this, there’s no litmus test. You’re already in. Welcome to G4! We Never Stop Playing - Mind the lasers.

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