Setting up an MS-DOS & Windows 95 Laptop for Retro Games - Toshiba Tecra 500cdt

Setting up an MS-DOS & Windows 95 Laptop for Retro Games - Toshiba Tecra 500cdt

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Publish Date:
20 September, 2022
Vintage Gaming
Video License
Standard License
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Join us today as we unbox and set up an MS-DOS and Windows 95 Retro Gaming Laptop for Vintage Gaming! The Toshiba Tecra 500cdt is a fantastic machine with a Pentium Processor, Sound Blaster Pro Compatibility, and much more! I'll show you the setup process and how I overcame several issues with the system to help it run some amazing games! We'll check out Commander Keen 4, Test Drive 3, Duke Nukem 3D, Wolfenstein 3D, and even Need for Speed 3! Don't miss this fun and relaxing RetroTV1 Tech Video! Leave a comment and let me know if you've ever considered getting a vintage laptop for retro gaming!
#msdos #msdosgames #retrogaming

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