The Playstation Platinum Project: Episode 12 - The Penultimate Episode: The Number 23

The Playstation Platinum Project: Episode 12 - The Penultimate Episode: The Number 23

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Hello and welcome to my task for 2023 and the biggest collecting challenge I have ever faced:

The Playstation Platinum Project.

My personal challenge to try and complete the complete Playstation set of 160 Platinum games by the end of 2023.

And there is just one rule, there is no rules!

To achieve this I will be travelling around the U.K. to car-boots, charity shops, CEX and local game stores, whilst highlighting some of the best local game stores the U.K. has to offer!

But that’s not all as I will look anywhere for these games as well as buying from online stores such as eBay, but to achieve this collecting goal I’m going to need your help!

This is where you come in, if you have unwanted or unloved PS1 platinum games I NEED them! I will either trade you or pay you for your unwanted games in my quest to catch them all!

Also reach out if you have a local game store near you which you think I need to check out, especially if it has platinum games as I’ll be in the road a lot more this year!

Firstly this time on the PlayStation Platinum Project we’re doing a bit of housekeeping and rectifying a mistake from the last episode and sourcing the platinum label version of a game we found last episode, but that’s not all we all manage to score another platinum game we needed for the collection from Vinted from the first time ever and this game marks a very special milestone.

Also if your local CEX has the game I’m looking for in this episode please get in touch!

In this series I really wanted to shine a spotlight on as many of the amazing local independent game shops we have around the U.K. and this time we visit a brand new store, which I have never visited before, The Retro Hunter in Leigh-on-sea. Check it out here:

I’ve been blown away by the support of you, viewers and the retro gaming community throughout this series and once again we have an amazing donation to the PPP.

Finally this time we have a selection of eBay pick ups for the PPP, as we get closer to the end of the PPP this is one of the only way we are going to find the last games we need, and some of these games are getting expensive!

Finally this time, once again with the help of the retro gaming community, I have managed to find what I believe is quite possibly the rarest PS1 Platinum game, in the world!

I’m this series I really want to highlight how amazing the retro gaming community is and you have the power to make this series a success so please like, subscribe and please share this video to your socials and with your friends.

As the end of the year creeps ever closer The Platinum Project is coming to an end, and as we reach the conclusion of the series the stakes have never been higher!

Thanks for watching and please remember to like and subscribe and join me on my socials:

Instagram: danthegamesman


Check out the rest of the series here:

Playstation Platinum Project

Let the games begin!

#playstation #retrogaming #ps1