The END of PS5 Exclusives! | Sony Announces New PS5 Exclusive Games Will Release 'Day & Date' on PC

The END of PS5 Exclusives! | Sony Announces New PS5 Exclusive Games Will Release 'Day & Date' on PC

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Sony's Head of PlayStation Studios Hermen Hulst recently dropped a bombshell announcement that has ps5 fanboys all over the internet salty that all future ps5 exclusive games will most likely be coming to PC after only a year and in addition all Games as a Service titles would be launching day and date on pc at the same time as the PS5 and PS4 versions would. Is this the beginning of the end for 'muh sclusives'....

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Hermen Hulst Statement:
'“Going forward we’ll see at least a year between releases on PlayStation and on the PC platform, possibly with the exception of live service games. Live service games are a little bit different in nature, because you want to have really strong communities and really strong engagement right away, so with live service games we might go day and date with PC and the PlayStation platform.”