Tabletop Super Hero Role-Playing Games Pros and Cons of RPG Genres

Tabletop Super Hero Role-Playing Games Pros and Cons of RPG Genres

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Tabletop Super Hero Role-Playing Games Pros and Cons of RPG Genres
Nerdarchy examines the another tabletop RPG genre. This time we are looking at supers games. For our group we've played more fantasy based games more than any other kind of RPG game. Next would be super hero RPGs. Amongst our group Mutants and Masterminds, Heroes Unlimited, DC Super Heroes from Mayfair, and Marvel Super Heroes the old FASERIP system have all been played by various Nerdarchist. We played Mutants and Masterminds from Green Ronin Publishing exclusively for several years. There is a bunch of sub-genres within the super hero rpg genre. You have everything from from the different silver age, golden age, and bronze age and there is different power levels to play in from street level heroes up to cosmic champions of the universe characters.
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