Dirty Devs: Laniatus Games Magic 2 Master | Copyright Abuse, Legal Threats, Fake Reviews, Fake Game

Dirty Devs: Laniatus Games Magic 2 Master | Copyright Abuse, Legal Threats, Fake Reviews, Fake Game

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We have a new inductee into these not so hallowed halls. This time it is with Laniatus Games, the alleged developers of Magic 2 Master. These developers engaged in Copyright Abuse by filing a spurious DMCA strike against YouTuber Callum Upton for reviewing their Kickstarter scam and have issued legal threats against him. In addition, Laniatus have attempted to use fake reviews and the origins of this fake game have been uncovered as well.

Background music: Unreal Tournament "Forgone Rejuvenation" by Phrakture
Outro music by Kenneth Hynes. Listen to the full song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjc1tqt8WFY and don't forget to drop him a comment telling him I sent you and reminding him of his pure unadulterated awesomeness!

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ID: 9YXAdbrPMmxaxU54bwqhrFHtqt3fAH5T