RANKING Every Game Console from BEST to WORST!

RANKING Every Game Console from BEST to WORST!

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There have been some amazing systems to game on over the decades. Things like the SNES and Sega Genesis really broke new ground, but not everything was great. Lets dig into the best and worst game consoles ever in this RANKING video by DreamcastGuy!

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#Ps4 #XboxOne #NintendoSwitch

In this video DreamcastGuy talks about each generation of game consoles and what makes them good or bad. This starts at the Atari VCS, goes through the Sega Dreamcast and PlayStation 1 and continues to modern consoles like the Xbox 360, Ps3, and the Ps4 vs the Xbox One vs the Nintendo Switch. Each system is ranked with a score to determine which is the best. Also a lot of love is shown towards the handhelds like the Game Gear and of course the Game Boy Advance.

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