Playdate Review! It’s Worth It! The Tiny Handheld Gaming Console that Could

Playdate Review! It’s Worth It! The Tiny Handheld Gaming Console that Could

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The Playdate console is one of the weirdest pieces of video game hardware to come out in a very long time! It's a portable gaming handheld that has Gameboy vibes with modern hardware...and a black and white screen that is NOT backlit. It's so far away from something like the Nintendo Switch, 3DS or even DS...yet has a lot in common with all those devices as well as Game Boy Advance. So let's do a Playdate review and talk about the best Playdate games and Playdate worth it?


Playdate was developed by Panic as a sort of alternative to modern video game consoles and modern gaming's the anti Steam Deck! It has an analog crank that feels like something borrowed from the Sega Dreamcast and the Dreamcast fishing rod...and on paper you'd think it was something you might NOT be interested in checking out! But the Playdate absolutely sold me and I am 100% on board. It's super refreshing to have a modern 8-bit style gaming experience to counteract all the PS5 games, Xbox Series X games and PC Games we have today!

It's got the same odd charm that MiSTer FPGA has...except in handheld form!

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