Xbox Series X SMASHES Sony's PS5 With Next Generation Feature | Xbox VS PlayStation 5 | Xbox News

Xbox Series X SMASHES Sony's PS5 With Next Generation Feature | Xbox VS PlayStation 5 | Xbox News

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We all know that the Xbox Series X is packed with next generation features. One of those is the Smart Delivery feature that makes it easy for gamers to transfer safes of next gen upgrades.

Sony's Ps5 doesn't have this feature which has gotten some gamers a little annoyed with them. But that doesn't stop Xbox's executives to take little jabs at Sony's PlayStation 5.

Will Sony finally add these next generation features or will the Xbox Series X continue to outperform the Ps5? Let's see what the media has to say and what we can expect from both Microsoft and Sony.

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By: Zalker 87
Title: Xbox Series X SMASHES Sony's PS5 With Next Generation Feature | Xbox VS PlayStation 5 | Xbox News
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