Xbox Series X Graphics Get HUGE BOOST | New Features That The Ps5 Doesn't Have | Xbox & Ps5 News

Xbox Series X Graphics Get HUGE BOOST | New Features That The Ps5 Doesn't Have | Xbox & Ps5 News

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Xbox Series X is getting massive graphical boosts along with performance boosts. These are features that the Ps5 doesn't have and it looks like Microsoft is taking advantage of it.

Sony's PlayStation 5 has struggled with backward compatibility, while Xbox's next generation consoles continue to improve on it.

Will this new feature coming to the Xbox Series X which doubles the performance on games be a huge selling point over the Ps5?

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By: Zalker 87
Title: Xbox Series X Graphics Get HUGE BOOST | New Features That The Ps5 Doesn't Have | Xbox & Ps5 News
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