Xbox Series X BEATS PlayStation 5 | Xbox Out SELLS The Ps5 | Xbox & Ps5 News

Xbox Series X BEATS PlayStation 5 | Xbox Out SELLS The Ps5 | Xbox & Ps5 News

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We already know that both the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are some of the best selling consoles in history. Yet we now know that the competition between both next gen consoles is pretty close.

Microsofts Xbox Series X is out selling the Ps5 in the UK plus other regions. Even with both consoles selling out instantly when they get restocks. It would seem that the Xbox is coming out on top.

As gamers it's great to see the competition be a lot closer than last generation where the Ps4 ran away with console sales. No matter the platform you like competition is king.

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By: Zalker 87
Title: Xbox Series X BEATS PlayStation 5 | Xbox Out SELLS The Ps5 | Xbox & Ps5 News
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