Xbox MEDIA BIAS Ending? | Xbox Makes Fun Of Sony Ps5 Fans | Xbox & Ps5 News

Xbox MEDIA BIAS Ending? | Xbox Makes Fun Of Sony Ps5 Fans | Xbox & Ps5 News

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Xbox Game Pass is the best service in gaming by far. In fact it's so good that a lot of Sony PlayStation 5 fans have decided to attack it every chance they get. Which back fired on them.

The media took to Twitter so they can make fun of Sony fans who continue to hate on Xbox. Has the media bias towards Xbox finally come to an end?

Let's get into what happened and talk about why the Xbox Series X is starting to look like the better buy over the Ps5.

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By: Zalker 87
Title: Xbox MEDIA BIAS Ending? | Xbox Makes Fun Of Sony Ps5 Fans | Xbox & Ps5 News
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