Xbox FIGHTS BACK VS Sony PS5 | Xbox Series X Vs PlayStation 5 CONTINUE | Xbox & Ps5 News

Xbox FIGHTS BACK VS Sony PS5 | Xbox Series X Vs PlayStation 5 CONTINUE | Xbox & Ps5 News

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Xbox continues to fight back vs Sony's Ps5 and how many games they're locking down. The gaming industry has turned into a content war, with Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 being the two main players.

Microsoft continues to lock down huge AAA exclusive Xbox games to their platform. Xbox wants to bring even more games to Xbox Game Pass, while Sony tries the same.

Xbox might be playing dirty, but PlayStation has always played dirty. The competition between Xbox and Sony will continue this entire generation.

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By: Zalker 87
Title: Xbox FIGHTS BACK VS Sony PS5 | Xbox Series X Vs PlayStation 5 CONTINUE | Xbox & Ps5 News
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