Xbox Fan's PlayStation 5 Review | Is The Ps5 Better Than The Xbox Series X?

Xbox Fan's PlayStation 5 Review | Is The Ps5 Better Than The Xbox Series X?

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As an Xbox fan I know the great features and games that the Xbox Series X console has. But I also love all gaming, which brings me to the PlayStation 5 and all it's games.

Sony's Ps5 is one of the next generation consoles I've truly had a pretty good time with. Especially the last month it's been out. The Ps5 exclusive games have really showed it's power.

With Microsoft and the Xbox Series X out there, can the PlayStation 5 provide me with a great experience outside of Xbox?

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By: Zalker 87
Title: Xbox Fan's PlayStation 5 Review | Is The Ps5 Better Than The Xbox Series X?
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