The Xbox Identity Crisis | The Current State of Xbox Series X is Pathetic & Phil Spencer Admits it

The Xbox Identity Crisis | The Current State of Xbox Series X is Pathetic & Phil Spencer Admits it

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As a fan of many of Microsoft's franchises I feel like this video is some tough love directed at a company I really want to see do well in the gaming space but as of late just has not been delivering anything close to what customers deserve in the form of 1st party Microsoft Exclusive games.

The Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X have been out on the market for a little over 2 years now and for the most part both consoles are genuinely great pieces of hardware for the price made even better by the amazing offering of Xbox Gamepass on either console that gives you access to all of Microsoft's First Party Xbox Exclusive games day one in addition to many AAA third party games as well. However, as of late Microsoft has had some genuine issues with their output of first party content from Microsoft Games Studios with 2022 having 0 new releases from microsoft's internal studios to compete with PS5 Exclusives like Horizon Forgotten West and God of War Ragnarok. While 2023 does have a few games in store, there really isn't much we know regarding what games microsoft plans to release outside of Starfield and Redfall. I think this highlights a bigger issue with Xbox's first party studios that even after bigger acquisitions like Bethesda and Activision Blizzard, the amount of games we have seen from Xbox has been relatively low and those games that we have gotten have been pretty mediocre at best especially compared to where the franchises sat years ago (ie. Gears of War and Halo). I think it is time to have an honest conversation about the current state of xbox.

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