Sony's PS5 Has To COPY Xbox Series X | PlayStation 5 Games Coming To PC | Xbox & Ps5 News

Sony's PS5 Has To COPY Xbox Series X | PlayStation 5 Games Coming To PC | Xbox & Ps5 News

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Jim Ryan admits that the PlayStation 5 games coming will be going to PC. Which shows that Sony is going to copy Xbox Series X and what they do with their games.

Microsoft has been putting Xbox Game Studios games on PC for years now, and Sony needs to do the same thing. Ps5 has some of the best games coming out, which will be coming to PC.

The Xbox Series X and Ps5 are going head to head for all of the gaming market. Which includes PC and console gamers.

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By: Zalker 87
Title: Sony's PS5 Has To COPY Xbox Series X | PlayStation 5 Games Coming To PC | Xbox & Ps5 News
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