PlayStation Not In 'Arms Race' With Xbox, Buys 2 More Studios - IGN Daily Fix

PlayStation Not In 'Arms Race' With Xbox, Buys 2 More Studios - IGN Daily Fix

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In today's episode of the Daily Fix, PlayStation claims it's not in an arms race with Xbox...and then it goes and snaps up two more games studios. Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda was a huge deal; can Sony possibly hope to compete on the first-party exclusives front without trying to buy up studios for their own team? And what does that mean for the future of video games if fewer multi-platform third-party titles exist? Speaking of Microsoft, they're opening the Game Pass Cloud Gaming service to every Game Pass Ultimate subscriber, no invite needed. Now you can play Sea of Thieves from practically anywhere on practically any device. And one day, you'll be able to play next-gen Series X games on your Xbox One. Crazy! Have you tried any of the cloud gaming services available? What did you think of them? Let us know in the comments.

Title: PlayStation Not In 'Arms Race' With Xbox, Buys 2 More Studios - IGN Daily Fix
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