NEW Xbox Series X Developers TAKEN From Sony PlayStation 5 | NEW AAA Xbox Games | Xbox & Ps5 News

NEW Xbox Series X Developers TAKEN From Sony PlayStation 5 | NEW AAA Xbox Games | Xbox & Ps5 News

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Xbox's new AAAA studio The Initiative has taken multiple developers from Sony's top studio Naughty Dog. Is Xbox going to continue and get new developers from PlayStation 5?

These new developers are top tier developers and are being put into Technical Lead rolls for Xbox's new studio. They'll make new games for the Xbox Series X and push the hardware of the next generation consoles.

Can Sony's Ps5 studios continue to lose that many developers and make great games?

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By: Zalker 87
Title: NEW Xbox Series X Developers TAKEN From Sony PlayStation 5 | NEW AAA Xbox Games | Xbox & Ps5 News
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