Microsoft Xbox Series X/S Game Pass SCAM! | Buy a PS5 Because Xbox Game Pass is "Too Affordable"

Microsoft Xbox Series X/S Game Pass SCAM! | Buy a PS5 Because Xbox Game Pass is "Too Affordable"

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Xbox Game Pass is probably one of the best deals in the history of the video game industry and is a major reason to consider buying an Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S. But many people on the internet, particularly PS5 fanboys, love to downplay Xbox Game Pass and act like Game Pass is a bad thing for the video game industry saying thing like "Xbox Game Pass Sucks", "Xbox Game Pass is Trash", "Xbox Game Pass is a Scam", "Xbox Game Pass is Bad for Gaming", etc.... Like honestly the copium has been cranked to the max. But what do you expect from the crowd that claims "Xbox Sucks" all the time. Now the video we are watching today is claiming that game pass is bad because not having to pay full price for individual games does not give you the same sense of satisfaction as paying full price for a game like a PS5 exclusive and is a desperate attempt for Microsoft to hide the fact that the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S "have no exclusive games" and "have released nothing for the past 5 years". This should be good...

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