CONFIRMED Starfield An Xbox Series X EXCLUSIVE | Game NOT Coming To PlayStation 5 | Xbox & Ps5 News

CONFIRMED Starfield An Xbox Series X EXCLUSIVE | Game NOT Coming To PlayStation 5 | Xbox & Ps5 News

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Starfield is going to be exclusive to the Xbox Series X console and won't be coming to the PlayStation 5. One of the biggest RPG games is going to only be on the Xbox platform.

What can Sony's PS5 do to compete with one of the best developers in the world? Does the Ps5 even have a studio or game as big as Starfield, Elder Scrolls or Fallout?

Microsoft and Sony continue to battle it out for the next generation consoles. And Xbox looks to strike the first blow with Starfield being exclusive.

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By: Zalker 87
Title: CONFIRMED Starfield An Xbox Series X EXCLUSIVE | Game NOT Coming To PlayStation 5 | Xbox & Ps5 News
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